
Newington Pharmacy
Newington Pharmacy

Private Services

Vitamin B12 Injection

Vitamin B12 Injection Give your body a brilliant energy boost with a Vitamin B12 injection and stop relying on other stimulants to make you feel good and energised. Whether you are looking to enhance your athletic performance, supplement your diet or manage your B12 deficiency, this vitamin injection can ...

Ear Wax Removal Edinburgh

Ear Wax Removal Our pharmacy provides ear wax removal services, and prior to the appointment, customers are advised to apply olive oil for a minimum of seven days to facilitate the softening of the wax. The removal of the wax could take more than 2 attempts if deep compacted ...

Blood Tests Service

Blood Tests Service Newington Pharmacy’s service – private blood tests in Edinburgh – is ready to help you today. When you are unwell, your GP may schedule some blood tests to help diagnose the cause. This is an important part of healthcare provided by the NHS. However, private blood ...

HPV Vaccine Edinburgh

HPV Vaccine Are you a student living in Edinburgh? Having the HPV vaccination will give you protection against a sexually transmitted infection that causes certain cancers. Read Newington pharmacy’s advice on HPV and how to get the HPV vaccine. Edinburgh’s premier vaccination centre is Newington Pharmacy. Most competitive in ...

Smoking Cessation

Smoking Cessation If you have decided to quit smoking and looking for someone to help you on this journey then you have come to the right place. Research has shown that you are more likely to be successful at quitting smoking with counseling and Nicotine Replacement Therapies (NRTs) then ...


Antimalarials Malaria is a life-threatening disease caused by parasites which are transmitted through bites of infected female Anopheles mosquitoes. There are 5 parasite species that cause malaria in humans, and 2 of these species p.falciparum and p.vivax pose the highest threat. If you are planning to travel, speak to ...

Edinburgh Travel Clinic

Edinburgh Travel Clinic Edinburgh Travel Clinic is part of Newington Pharmacy and offers a wide range of travel vaccinations and antimalarials. If you need vaccinations for travel purposes or occupational health, we are well placed to help you. Our travel vaccination pharmacists here in Edinburgh have years of experience ...

Prescription Collection

Prescription Collection At Newington Pharmacy, we understand that collecting your prescription can be a time-consuming and inconvenient task. That’s why we offer a prescription collection service to help make your life easier. Here’s how it works: Step 1: Register for our Prescription Collection Service To use our service, you’ll ...

Emergency Hormonal Contraceptives

Emergency Hormonal Contraceptives The morning after pill as commonly referred is an emergency hormonal contraceptive pill which can be taken to follow unprotected sex to avoid pregnancy. It is recommended to take the pill as soon as possible after the sexual intercourse. If you require the pill, one of ...

Erectile dysfunction

Erectile dysfunction Erectile dysfunction (ED), which is also known as impotence, is the inability to get or maintain an erection. It is a common condition in men in the UK and most men suffer from this condition at some point in their lifetime. It’s very common in men over ...


Newington Pharmacy

NHS Services

Repeat Prescription

Repeat Prescription Now you can order your repeat prescription online. Simply register as a patient and order your repeat medication online through our website. We will send your repeat request to your doctor surgery and once we receive your prescription, we will notify you to come and collect your medication. Please note: ...

Disposal of unwanted medicines

Disposal of unwanted medicines If you have unused/expired prescription medicines or medicines that you bought over the counter, just bring them to the pharmacy for a safe disposal. This is a free service available to the public. It is not safe to put unwanted/expired medicine in domestic bins. Any ...

Repeat Dispensing

Repeat Dispensing Repeat dispensing allows prescribers to issue a batch of prescription for a medication which needs to be taken by the patient regularly. This allows the pharmacy to dispense your prescription at regular intervals for the number of batch prescriptions provided by the prescriber. An NHS repeatable prescription ...

Supervised Consumption

Supervised Consumption Supervised consumption is an NHS service which is used in certain conditions to ensure that patients take their medication at regular intervals such as in substance dependence. The prescriber writes the supervised consumption instructions on the prescription. The service is funded by the NHS, it’s free for ...

Needle Exchange Service

Needle Exchange Service The needle exchange service allows people who inject intravenous drugs obtain clean sterile needles and syringes and safely dispose off the used needles and syringes. This is an NHS service placed to prevent people from sharing or reusing needles or other devices. It also reduces drug ...

Community Dosage Systems

Community Dosage Systems The community dosage system is a service for those patients who take a large number of medications or who can’t remember to take their medications on time due to their conditions or circumstance. The pharmacy will put your medication in a weekly pack which is easy ...

Pharmacy First

Minor Ailment Scheme The minor ailment scheme is an NHS service that allows the pharmacy to supply advice and medication where appropriate by the pharmacy for a group of minor conditions. The service is free of charge for eligible patients. The pharmacy team will ask you a few questions ...
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